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Writing, fashion, photography, art, video, moving image, music, and other avenues of interest.

Also provides updates on the work of Daniel Turner (Dan Deckard).

Thursday 5 November 2009

Second CANNIBAL night; White Edition

So the first of our new club nights 'CANNIBAL' went down a storm... everyone dressed up and made it a really good night.

We've been super busy getting ready for the next one; a White Edition.

Use the nav at the top and go to 'events/output' for a full night review with videos/photos etc, and soon interviews with all the artists, including the short horror film we made for Gemma Slack (which is on display in the Digitaria window for a month...)

Also, get yourself over to the Facebook Page for more photos and the event page for the next one this Tuesday!

We've got an incredible menswear designer this time, Jasper Chadprajong, who's been hard at work with us and D1 Models to make it something really special.

Make sure you come down, this one should definitely not be missed, it will be even better than the first. A promise.

1 comment:

Marta L. said...

Heard about you, seen video of yesterday's gig at Last days of... on Facebook of my flatmate!!! Freakin great!!