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Writing, fashion, photography, art, video, moving image, music, and other avenues of interest.

Also provides updates on the work of Daniel Turner (Dan Deckard).

Monday 8 December 2008

Merkley Shot 111 Naked Girls

I'm such a sucker for symmetry, today I fell into a semi-concious state of hypnosis on the tube when I realised they're symmetrical to the edge of your peripheral vision if you sit in the right seat.

Anyway, I've long been a fan of Merkley; a character who deserves a whole article for his various outputs rather than a measley blog post, but such is suchness. He takes brilliants almost-symetric portraits of friends and any girls who will get their clothes in a suitable environment, and he's just released a book documenting his glass-eye conquests.

1 comment:

matthew said...

Naked girls and symmetry is a perfect combination for me.