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Sunday 9 November 2008

OldBoy remake

It seems Spielberg has gone rogue. Taking a scientologist and one of the worst screen writers with him, he's singlehandedly carrying a personal vendetta of rape and pilage across the boundary lines of 'my own exhausted shit ideas' and into the weaker territories of 'collective foreigners with functional imaginations'.

So far he's been spotted hurtling towards Ghost in the Shell like a bulldozer on MDMA and someone's tipped him and his boys off that the after party's happening over at OldBoy.

I look forward to a startled Will Smith when he's told it involves some hardcore method acting; eating a live squid, taking on 30 guys in a corridor with just a hammer, and cutting out his own tongue. Oh, you didn't hear Will? Yeh the actor never worked again... not many roles for actors without tongues.

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