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Writing, fashion, photography, art, video, moving image, music, and other avenues of interest.

Also provides updates on the work of Daniel Turner (Dan Deckard).

Monday 10 November 2008

Vote for Katie Paterson at Creative 30

OK, I'm not sure how long is left of this Creative 30 competition, but it's a pretty substantial prize for an artist to win. (Run by Volvo and Vice magazine).

Of all the entries, the only one that really stands out to me is Katie Paterson, who is doing some really interesting art conceptually, which includes making a moonlight bulb, making ice records, and mapping shooting stars... and not a hint of Shoreditch, very refreshing.

Unfortunately the whole thing feels a bit more Volvo than Vice, so all the more reason to vote for someone that stands out. Anyway, take a look at the entries, then agree, and vote for Katie! You can vote up to once a day, so pick your favourite person and give them a bit of support...

1 comment:

dan deckard said...

A quick note... Katie won! Brilliant, good on her.